Extract of information from: "UFO Contact from Undersea,"
taken from page here
- Section 1: Regression session, Filiberto Cardenas (subject)
- Event date: 3 January 1979 UFO CEIII
- During the regression session(s) the following
- information came forth:
- Subject was taken to one of three pyramid bases. Two pyramid bases are under ocean, one on land. Subject was taken to base between Berin and Santiago of the coast of Chile. Other underwater base is in the Atlantic in an unspecified location. The base was entered through an underwater tunnel. The aliens stated that they had been there 36 months at that time.
- Aliens told the subject that there were six (6) other individuals whom the aliens had contacted.
- Subject stated that the aliens voiced that they were eventually going to make themselves known to the world.
- Aliens stated that they control the Chinese, and they have provided the Chinese with a device that can "paralyze cities and towns completely."
- Aliens stated that the device will cause a change that "is going to be something for which the world cannot wait." The Chinese are to provoke certain unspecified changes, and that in those changes, "people who are negative will disappear."
- Subject remembers seeing (future) scenes of people running disoriented along roads, and that there is a disaster coming.
- Details of underwater tunnel described as walls of " firmed water," not rock. The ship evidently generated a force field which repelled the water around it.
- Devices were supposedly installed in subject's head by aliens. Subsequent x-rays revealed nothing.
art of jim warren - as long as earthman attacs the ETs - they make bases in seas and oceans where they are more undetected.
(Session 3)
- First contact with these groups of aliens began 4,000 years ago.
- It has been thousands of years since this group last descended to earth.
- If progress on earth does not continue, aliens will use more forceful demonstrations to get their point across that we must have peace and progress.
- Subject was interrogated for 15 days after the events by US security and intelligence services.
- Information from aliens had also to do with "an atrocity in the plans certain forces on earth had planned."
- Subject was seven years old when contact with aliens first occurred.
- Aliens have ability to dematerialize their craft.
- Aliens stated that we should beware of other alien groups who will present themselves in a good light but if they pursue "bad objectives against us they could do two things. They could destroy this planet with the same arms that this planet has, or on the contrary, transport away all our arms in one operation, which would take no more than 20 minutes of our time. They can be visible or not, whatever they choose."
- [sic] Treatise references 81 other crossbreeds from (negative) aliens who have performed duties on earth. Half alien-half earthling = Crossbreed
- Aliens spoke of great portions of land and whole cities will [sic] disappear. Mexico City and major cities in California.
in the far past THEY rules the Earth - now they come back and watch "their childrens mad play". (picture Jim Nichols)
Detailed summery of contents for Stevens' Preliminary Investigation Report.
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